Pop Color Thanks!

Pop Color Events has so much to be thankful for this year. Here's a list of people and things who deserve the biggest THANK YOU!!! | Pop Color Events | Adding a Pop of Color to Bar & Bat Mitzvahs in DC, MD & VA

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I won’t be publishing my usual Thursday blog post. Instead, I’m about to get a bit personal and share some of the things I’m most thankful for this year. It’s definitely been a big year for me with launching Pop Color Events and I’m so grateful to the following for making it possible:

My Clients

Without you there would be no Pop Color Events. Thank you for allowing me to help you plan such an important day in your lives. Thank you for your trust, humor and honesty. I am so lucky to work with and for such amazing people!

My husband

Chad is my biggest cheerleader. His love and support have meant so much and have kept me going when things have gotten tough. There have been many days when something has come up at the last minute and he’s stepped in to take over. He’s my sounding board, fact checker and editor. Thank you for being an amazing partner and daddy. I love you!

My son

Levi helps me keep it all in perspective and helps me understand the joy that my Mitzvah moms are feeling. When something gets me down, all I need is to hear him say “Mama” and have him give me a big ol’ hug and a big, wet baby kiss. I’m so lucky to be your Mama.

My extended family

My parents, sister and in-laws, thank you for listening, liking and supporting. Thanks for checking in and telling me how proud you are. Thanks for all of the little things you do to let me know you care and are thinking of me.

My Macbook

I took my fees from my first events and put it towards a new Macbook. This laptop has made running my business easy. It’s so fast and does just about everything but plan events for me.


Just because. Leftover Halloween candy, you complete me.
