Summer Bar or Bat Mitzvah Planning

It’s finally summer, the kids are at camp and all of a sudden you have a ton of time on your hands. What’s a mom or dad to do? Get a ton of Bar or Bat Mitzvah planning items checked off your to do list, of course! How can you best use your summer vacation for Bar or Bat Mitzvah …

4 ways to get your child involved in their Bar or Bat Mitzvah party planning

  A Bar or Bat Mitzvah is such a special time for your child. They’ve worked hard practicing their Torah portion, learning various blessings, writing a D’var Torah… Then it’s time to party and celebrate your child. But how do you create a Bar or Bat Mitzvah party that reflects your child, their interests and that they feel good about? …

Best Facebook Groups for Bar, Bat, B’nai and B’not Mitzvah Planning

There are a ton of resources out there to help plan your Mitzvah and over the next few weeks, I’ll share some great ones along with tips to help use them. This week we’ll discuss Facebook Groups. I will periodically update as new groups form. [last update: 6/12/21] What are Facebook Groups? Facebook groups are available to anyone with a …

Why do I need to tell vendors that it’s a Bar or Bat Mitzvah?

There’s a common rumor that telling a vendor that you are planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah or wedding will automatically make them charge you more. That’s simply not true. Why you need to tell them it’s a Bar or Bat Mitzvah Letting your vendors know that you’re planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah gives a variety of information without …

5 ways to be an awesome prospective client

You’ve probably reached out to a ton of different vendors as you plan your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Before you sign on the dotted line, you’re considered a “prospect” or a “prospective client” by your potential vendors. At this point in the process, it’s important for you both to make a good impression on each other. After all, you want someone …

It’s Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah!

I recently talked with a Mitzvah mom who had a terrible experience with a planner. She said she felt bullied and pushed into doing things that she didn’t really want “because that’s the way it’s done.” She said that “our party was lovely, but it wasn’t really the party we wanted.” I was completely appalled. Here’s what I believe: There’s no one right …

Mitzvah Favors, Prizes or Giveaways

I’ve noticed that parents have a bit of confusion between Mitzvah favors, prizes and giveaways and which they should have for their event. I want to make sure we’re all speaking the same language, so here’s what your planner or DJ mean when we use the following terms: Mitzvah Favors A Mitzvah favor is something that either all of the …

What to do First When Planning Your Mitzvah

You just got your Bar or Bat Mitzvah date and are itching to get started with your planning, but what do you do first? Make your guest list. The number of guests invited (and who ultimately attend) determine EVERYTHING about your event. Where you can host it. How much you’ll spend. How many ____ you’ll need. But who do you …

What’s reasonably priced?

As a member of a number of Mitzvah Planning groups on Facebook (psst. Don’t forget to like us!), one question that comes up all the time is some asking for recommendations for a reasonably priced ___ (fill in the blank vendor). Every time I see that, I want to rip my hair out! Why? Reasonably priced is an opinion What’s reasonable …

Don’t hire your best friend’s mitzvah vendors

Many of my clients come from referrals from past clients. I love that because often if one of my clients are wonderful, their friends are wonderful too. Clients frequently want to use a specific Mitzvah vendor (anyone from a photographer to a DJ or photo booth company) because their friend had a great experience. It’s certainly valuable to trust the …