Pop Color Thanks! Second Year Edition

Pop Color Events has so much to be thankful for this year. Here's a list of people and things who deserve the biggest THANK YOU!!! | Pop Color Events | Adding a Pop of Color to Bar & Bat Mitzvahs in DC, MD & VA

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, I won’t be publishing my usual Thursday blog post. Instead, I’m about to get a bit personal and share some of the things I’m most thankful for this year. It’s been a big year for my family, as we welcomed our second son, Jonah Rhys on September 18. Running a Pop Color Events with a very little one (he’s 9 weeks old!) has been challenging, exciting and tiring. I have much to be grateful for this year.

My husband

Chad is an amazing husband and co-parent. As I build Pop Color Events, it’s a lot of nights and weekends, but he never complains about the time he spends solo parenting. He loves our boys more than I ever could have imagined and I feel so lucky to have him to raise my children with. He listens to me hash out new ideas, encourages me to keep going when I’m unsure and helps me see the positive in everything.

My boys

Being a mom of two is a balancing act, but I’m lucky to have such amazing kids. Levi has taken to being a big brother so naturally. And Jonah is a champ for sleeping through the night starting at about 5 weeks (hopefully I haven’t jinxed myself!). I feel so blessed to have 2 happy, healthy boys who have so many exciting things ahead of them.

My extended family

I’m so thankful to my parents, sister and in-laws for their help in a very busy November and (upcoming) December. Over the past year, they’ve been an extra set of hands to help set up and staff events, watch my children during busy times and we’ve had a lot to celebrate. I’m so thankful for their love, support and willingness to drive down south.

My Clients

Without you there would be no Pop Color Events. Thank you for allowing me to help you plan such an important day in your lives. Thank you for your trust, humor and honesty. I am so lucky to work with and for such amazing people!


Working from home can be lonely, but I’ve met so many amazing vendors.  Between networking groups and the Facebook group I started for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Vendors, I’ve learned so much and made many new friends. And that facebook group I started? It’s nearly 400 members strong and has vendors from all over the country.

Opportunities for growth

This year has presented some exciting new experiences which have allowed me to grow personally and professionally. I’m most proud of my first styled shoot and my first published magazine article. I participated in my first vendor showcase and several vendor conferences and virtual trainings. There have been challenges and set backs, but I know both my business and I are stronger for it.

Here’s to another year of things to be thankful for!